Friday, October 2, 2009

Living in a safe environment

..."We realized that if people don't have a safe environment to live in, then they don't have literally any other rights" says Nnimmo Bassey, an environmental activist in an interview with Time Magazine.
This has caused  me to actuate this new blog. I believe as a Ghanaian, our aim will be to live in harmony with our environment which forms the basis of our mere existence in this universe. The 'people' in Bassey's quote refers to you and I who co-exist in nature. By co-existing, we share our habitat with plants and animals alike that constitute the living organisms as well as other non living things.  Having a safe environment guarantees long life for all natural inhabitants of the earth so far as human beings are concerned. What are our contributions as custodians of mother earth towards a better and safe environment?

I formally welcome you all to this new blog. Let's join this cause to make a better Ghana and a better WORLD for our children and our children's children!!

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dé la bienvenida a bordo
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